Dia dhuit a chara and thank you for meeting me here.

Aoise is my name and I would love to share a little about myself with you.

I grew up somewhat nomadically (and chaotically), until I came to West Cork at the age of 8 and found a place I could call home.  Moving to the remote countryside was a challenge for me as a young girl for various reasons. However the wild seas, the rugged and raw coastline and the magical lands here helped me to find a place I could return to again and again and feel a spaciousness of home in my heart.

The nomadic spirit never truly left me - I have lived and travelled in many parts of the world and still I like to dance between worlds. I love an adventure whether it is off in far away lands or just around the corner. 

I am passionate about living an authentic life and continuing to grow towards the light of my dreams as I also root down into the peace and presence of my being, as I am. 

I am a sensitive soul, and as any of you who share this path know, this can be both a blessing and also a conundrum! In terms of my work behind the camera, I feel it is a blessing  - it allows me to be more  in tune, sensitive, open hearted and supportive to those I weave with.

I do my best to walk a path of beauty and heart, grá agus misneach (love and courage) in honour of our Mother Earth. I love nurturing the wild woman in me and allowing her to dance freely beneath the stars.

Would you like to join me for a dance?

Some of the other ways I love to express myself creatively include

Singing. Poetry. Dance. Ritual. Ceremony

I believe in magic, and I believe in you.

Each of us have our own unique path, gifts and expression of love to share with the world. As I continue to explore and gain confidence in expressing my own, it would be an honour to support you in unveiling yours through the power of presence, creative adventures and photographic magic.